Woman holding chest, coughing

Did You Know Antibiotics Are Not Recommended for The Common Chest Cold?

Acute bronchitis, also known as the common cold, is often paired with symptoms such as coughing, soreness in chest, fatigue and more. Looking to feel better? Antibiotics may not be the answer. Read more for tips on how to rest up and get back to being you.

Back Pain? Why Imaging Shouldn’t Be Your First Choice

Living with back pain is more than chronic aches - it can wreak havoc on your life and keep you from doing the things you enjoy. Practicing healthy habits and simple daily stretches may provide you more relief than you know. Find out why imaging can do more harm than good, and how to find relief from the comfort of your home.

Senior woman holding lower back

Happy man holding happy child

Are Your Kids Up to Date with Immunizations and Well - Child Visits?

Regular well-child visits and immunizations put your children on the path to success when it comes to development, preventive care, and wellness. Help them put their best foot forward and stay on track for life with a simple timeline guide by the Federal Employee Program.

Seeking Medical Advice and Services but Not Exactly Sure Where to Go?

Accidents and emergencies happen. Know who to call with the Federal  Employee Program's helpful care guide. Every moment matters when it comes to your health and well-being.

Doctors rushing a patient through the hospital hallway
Man speaking with doctor on laptop

Curious About Virtual Behavioral Health Visits?

Did you know Teladoc® connects you with a licensed behavioral health specialist seven days a week? Receive ongoing support for stress and anxiety, depression, substance use disorder, grief and family difficulties, and so much more.

If you or a loved one had a recent emergency room visit for mental health or substance use disorder, treatment through Teladoc® can make all the difference in recovery. The first follow-up visit should happen within 30 days of discharge and can be completed virtually with a primary care physician and/or a licensed counselor/therapist, psychiatrist, or psychologist.

Wherever you’re most comfortable connecting from, we’re here for you.

Managing Diabetes? Take an active role in your health – don’t neglect routine diabetes testing.

When living with diabetes, proper management including routine testing can reduce your risk of heart disease, nerve damage, vision problems, kidney disease, and more. Stay informed and up to date on the latest testing and resources available to you with the Federal Employee Program.

Person taking a blood sugar test
Doctor checking patients blood pressure

Have You Had Your Blood Pressure Checked Recently?

Did you know high blood pressure (also known as hypertension) is often referred to as the silent killer? There are typically no warning signs or symptoms. The best way to know if you have high blood pressure is to visit your doctor and have your numbers checked on a regular basis. Being proactive about your health can help reduce your risk for serious health conditions, such as heart attack, stroke, heart failure and kidney disease.

Have You Taken Advantage of The Convenience of Telehealth?

Telehealth is like having a doctor in your pocket. Experience support from the comfort of your home, office, or on the go. Get the care you need even easier with Federal Employee Program telehealth services provided by Teladoc®.

Person speaking with doctor through video on smartphone
Doctor giving patient a flu shot

Are You Up to Date on Your Annual Flu Shot?

Life is busy enough without being down and out with the flu. Protect yourself from this contagious respiratory illness with the latest flu vaccine every year. Curious about all the benefits, and how to get one? Federal Employee Program can help you stay healthy throughout the season with just one shot. 

Are You Keeping Up with Routine and Preventive Health Care Visits?

Did you know your benefit plan offers wide ranging options for preventive health care at no cost to you? From annual physicals to well-child visits, cancer screenings, support for tobacco use, diabetes, blood pressure, vaccines, and so much more. Don’t let your health take a back seat, be proactive and use your benefits to drive you to a healthy lifestyle for years to come.

Doctor listening to patients heart with stethoscope
Doctor with female patient about to give mammogram

Did You Know Routine Cancer Screenings Are Covered When You See a Preferred In - Network Provider?

Be proactive about your health with annual cancer screenings. They are a proven way of catching cancer early when it is most treatable.